The dispatch location depends on which region you have made your order to.
All orders to Europe will be shipped from our European warehouse in Poland. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
Asia Pacific & Middle East
All orders to these regions will be shipped from our warehouse in Hong Kong.
United States
All orders to the US will be shipped from our US warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
All orders to Canada will be shipped from our Canada warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
United Kingdom
All orders to the UK will be shipped from our UK warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
All orders to Mexico will be shipped from our Mexico warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
All orders to Brazil will be shipped from our Brazil warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
All orders to Paraguay will be shipped from our Paraguay warehouse. In certain situations where products are understocked, they will be shipped directly from Hong Kong.
Do I need to pay customs/import charges for my order?
Whether you need to pay import fees depends on your location.
EU, UK, US, Hong Kong and Macau
You do not need to pay import fees on your REDMAGIC order.
Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Singapore
Orders made to these locations are subject to import fees.
To find out how much you will need to pay upon receiving your device, please contact your local customs department or use an online import tax calculator.